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Investment Leaders Series - Munro Partners

18/12/2019 - Podcasts
Damian Cilmi talks to Nick Griffin, CIO of Munro Partners about picking the winners in the global stockmarkets and some exciting opportunities for companies capitalising on the global themes of food revolution and high-performance computing. There's some great insights and stock updates in episode 4 of Praemium's Investment Leaders series.
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Innovation and your advice business

09/12/2019 - Feature Articles
With the many challenges facing advice firms, an innovative technology strategy may not be at the top of your business objectives. However, with consumers quick to adopt new technologies and an increasing expectation for new innovations and digitised services, financial planning firms need to have a strategy that allows them to evolve with this landscape and an innovative culture that makes embracing these changes a seamless and natural process.
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Praemium add Antares model portfolios to SMA

02/12/2019 - Press Releases
The Praemium SMA has expanded its list of available model portfolios with the addition of three Antares portfolios.
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Investment Leaders Series - Jamieson Coote Bonds

28/11/2019 - Podcasts
Damian Cilmi talks to Charles Jamieson, CIO of Jamieson Coote Bonds about the bond markets and whether negative yields can be a positive for investors in episode 3 of the Investment Leaders series.
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ifa adviser guide to managed accounts

30/10/2019 - Praemium In The News
ifa magazine have published an adviser's guide to managed accounts with interviews and articles from leading managed account providers, including Praemium's Mat Walker and Martin Morris.
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Assessing the impact your business model & technology partner has on profit

10/09/2019 - Feature Articles
Constant demands on advisers time all have the ability to impact business profitability and success. We look at some of the factors that can impact a planning practice’s business model and outline why platform choice will be more of a strategic decision in the future, rather than just a business transaction.
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Making a successful transition to managed accounts

05/09/2019 - Feature Articles
If you have identified the benefits of managed accounts and are considering them as a solution for your business, you will need to plan and manage the changes required to implement this new advice model. In our experience, businesses that are most successful in making the transition have embraced managed accounts and the technology that supports them as a strategic solution for their whole practice.
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Key considerations for choosing a platform partner

01/09/2019 - Feature Articles
Understanding the differences between platforms and how they can assist in supporting planning practices with client engagement, risk management and business efficiency is increasingly important. Platform selection shouldn't just be a financial transaction but rather a strategic decision to find the right technology partner to support your business, potentially for the next decade and beyond.
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Investment Leaders Series - State Street

29/08/2019 - Podcasts
In our premiere episode, Praemium's Damian Cilmi, Head of Investment Managers & Governance, talks to leading investment managers on topics that matter to you and your clients. Delving into investment trends and strategy, market outlooks and more, Damian asks the questions to ensure you are up to date on the latest thinking from some of the world's leading financial minds.
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Praemium SMA Platform cash rate attractive by industry standards

03/07/2019 - Product News
Financial press coverage is suggesting that some investment platforms are providing investors and their advisers with low or negative interest rates on platform cash. Praemium SMA and SuperSMA continue to deliver an attractive interest rate net of fees despite a reducing RBA rate.
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