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AI to help advisers with client need

26/06/2019 - Feature Articles
For nearly two years, a select team of developers at Praemium has been building an artificial intelligence/machine learning application to help advisers better engage with clients. The release is particularly timely in the wake of the Royal Banking Commission.
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Praemium goes live with new IMAP standard

18/06/2019 - Praemium In The News
Praemium was an active member of the working group to deliver this IMAP-led standard which allows easier sharing of model portfolio information between investment managers and the various platforms, increasing efficiency but also reducing any risk of errors or variations across the investment platforms.
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Praemium first platform to offer State St ETFs

13/06/2019 - Press Releases
State St announces the launch of a suite of risk-based and objective-based ETF model portfolios via the Praemium platform.
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Praemium AI innovation to enhance adviser-client engagement

03/06/2019 - Press Releases
Praemium has developed new platform functionality that provides advisers with knowledge and insights designed to enhance client engagement and strengthen the adviser-client relationship
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Praemium announces new SMA partnership

23/05/2019 - Press Releases
Praemium has entered into a partnership with Pitcher Partners Wealth Management to utilise the Praemium integrated managed accounts platform for their Customised Portfolio Solution.
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Praemium and Shaw and Partners strengthen relationship in new deal

08/04/2019 - Press Releases
Shaw and Partners have extended their partnership with Praemium to utilise the full integrated managed account platform.
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Praemium expands relationship with Morgan Stanley

28/03/2019 - Press Releases
Praemium has announced a major expansion of its relationship with Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Australia.
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