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ESG – Mythconceptions, Methods and Client Engagement

25/11/2021 - Podcasts
Praemium's Matt van Dijk is joined by Blackrock's Steve Monnier and Nathan Hughes from Perpetual to unpack the different ways ESG is incorporated into portfolio management, and how advisers can use sound financial theory to engage current and future generations of clients.
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HNWs seeking a whole of portfolio digital experience

23/11/2021 - Feature Articles
High Net Worth (HNW) investors have increasing access to digital platforms and appreciate the time and reporting burden alleviated from them. However, many struggle to find a solution capable of tracking their entire portfolio.
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Unmet advice needs present opportunity for advisers

22/11/2021 - Feature Articles
The latest research into the HNW investor suggests a large portion have unmet advice needs. Praemium summarises the key findings and outlines the opportunities for advisers to attract and retain this growing investor segment.
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Australia’s HNW investors more numerous, richer & more confident

22/11/2021 - Press Releases
Recent research commissioned by Praemium and undertaken by Investment Trends shows high net worth investors have grown significantly in number over the last year and are more bullish on the future direction of the stock market.
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Governance & the role it plays in model management

10/11/2021 - Podcasts
We talk to Elston about how the advancement of governance methodologies are enhancing the professionalism and quality of SMA models available to advisers in Australia.
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Your business shouldn't be limited by your platform

01/11/2021 - Feature Articles
With all the challenges facing advisers today, your choice of platform partner shouldn't add to the limitations placed on your business. Chief Distribution Officer, Martin Morris looks at 6 key considerations when choosing a platform partner.
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Praemium quarterly results continue upward trajectory

18/10/2021 - Press Releases
Praemium announced its quarterly results to the ASX with record growth reported.
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Implementing ESG into your advice process

04/10/2021 - Feature Articles
With increasing investor demand for ESG solutions, the importance and impact ESG considerations are having on portfolio construction is also increasing.  As advice practices work through the many considerations to offering this solution to their clients, one of the most pertinent to ongoing success, is how to implement a tailored approach to a client’s individual ethical considerations in a scalable and efficient manner.
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DDO underlines the need for quality personal advice

04/10/2021 - Feature Articles
While it may not have been an intended outcome of ASIC’s new Product Design and Distribution Obligations, the far-reaching changes to the way responsible entities, superannuation trustees and fund managers consider product development and suitability for investors, could lead to increased demand for financial advice in future.
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A transformative year and year ahead

16/08/2021 - Praemium In The News
The last year has been transformative for Praemium. With record inflows, the integration of the Powerwrap business well underway and a new CEO at the helm, we're in a strong position for FY22.
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