For every generation of investors

We understand that reporting is a core part of your value proposition, demonstrating the value of your advice and investment strategy in helping your clients attain their financial goals.

As one of the leading platform providers for modern and sophisticated advice firms, we deliver the most comprehensive, customised reporting solutions in Australia. We help you deliver the hyper-personalised experience that investors are increasingly demanding, keeping your clients up to date and informed about their portfolio, which builds trust and creates enduring and successful adviser-client relationships.

A truly great reporting platform is flexible enough to present information that shows your client's investment solution is uniquely customised to their financial goals, delivered to them in a way that meets their information requirements, in the format they prefer to consume it.

Client reports generated in the last ten years


10.6m tax reports

ATO-ready tax summaries, plus detailed income, expense and CGT reports


6.5m performance reports

Detailed performance, asset allocation and security contribution reporting


6.1m valuation reports

Investment summaries, valuations, liquidity and ESG insight reporting

A truly great reporting platform


Fast, accurate, comprehensive, customisable

Investors are increasingly demanding reporting that is personalised and relevant.

With Praemium, we provide you with full control of how you deliver information to your clients. You can choose from a suite of off-the-shelf reports, which can be augmented with your own merged commentary and content. Better still, only with Praemium can you use your own client reports, merge in data sourced directly from your client's portfolios on Praemium, and export as your own template.

And our simple-to-use reporting tools can get your reports to your clients individually or en masse in seconds.

Allocation strategies

Helping your clients achieve their financial goals

Providing advice doesn’t just mean building an investment strategy to meet your client’s goals, but finding a meaningful and measurable reporting approach that suits each investor and delivers an enhanced level of personalisation to your investment proposition.

Praemium’s unique approach to tracking and reporting asset allocation works by matching an appropriate goals-based strategy to any account on the platform. But unlike most template-driven platforms, with Praemium you can easily customise the targets to suit each client’s risk and return profile.

Allocation strategies
Demonstrating success

Giving advisers the power of choice for benchmarking

To give investors an insight into how they are tracking towards the achievement of their financial goals you need a meaningful and relevant benchmark.

Praemium not only has a selection of reliable and commonly used indices and custom benchmark options that can be assigned to each asset class, but provides advisers with the power to calculate composite benchmarks based on the proportional blend of indices assigned to each asset class in your investment strategy.

Demonstrating success
Powerful performance

Information that supports better investment decisions for both you and your clients

With Praemium's large range of performance tools and options, you have the power to choose what and how you report a portfolio's performance.

Whether on the fly with Adviser Portal's Performance screen, or by choosing from a range of over a dozen customisable performance reports, Praemium provides you with a transparent and powerful way to demonstrate the value being added by the investment management process.

Powerful performance
Instant reports

No more paper and always accessible

With Praemium you can send reports and custom content directly to your client’s own online Investor Portal.

Praemium's fully-digital engagement model saves everything you have shared with your clients, and tracks if and when they access the content you have provided.

This helps eliminate security and privacy risks by sending reports and documents directly to their own secure portal, rather than via email.

Instant reports
Large scale reporting

Report Publisher, the jewel in the crown of Praemium’s reporting suite

Generating and distributing periodic reports to large groups of investors can be a stressful and time-consuming activity. For larger organisations, or any advice practice looking to power-up the publication of reports to their clients, Report Publisher allows you to generate reports in bulk and share the PDFs directly to your client’s Investor Portal.

Our reports are generated in the background, so you can keep working while Report Publisher does its thing. With state-of-the-art, automated data validation checks to help ensure your reports are accurate before you send them.

Large scale reporting

Download our guide on personalising your reporting

Recent research suggests that 55% of investors feel that the advice they receive is too generic, with 34% saying that they would increase the amount they invested if they received a hyper-personalised experience.

By leveraging the power of modern technology, you can personalise reports and deliver them to your clients’ with the click of a button.

In our brochure, we outline some of the reporting tools Praemium offers to help you enhance your clients’ wealth management experience.

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